Spring 2024 -Health and Wellness

  ADT882A-Beginner Yoga and Meditation
  1/23/2024 - 3/26/2024
  6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  Taylor High School-Library

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Beginner Yoga & Meditation
Beginners will be introduced to the basics of yogic posture alignment, movement with breath, and mindful meditation. 
Yoga Alliance 200 RYT instructor and owner of Prisma Yoga, Liz Scroggins and trainers teach Baptiste vinyasa “flow,” but incorporates a creative mix of traditional hatha, yin and Bikram for a fun and relaxed session. 
Through breathwork and movement you fulfill goals of greater range of motion that helps prevent injury, promotes healing, pain reduction and improved circulation to maintain positive mind - body connection. 
Course Fee:  $100 (Max 20)
Teacher:  Liz Scroggins
Taylor High School
January 23, 30
February 6, 13, 20, 27
March 5, 19, 26
Tuesdays                                                                               6:30 – 7:30 p.m.