Spring 2024 - Art

  ADT882-The Art of Ordinary Beauty
  1/22/2024 - 3/4/2024
  6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  Taylor High School-Room 1810

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The Art of Ordinary Beauty:  Int. Acrylic/Oil Object Painting
Delve deeper into the world of realism as you master intricate details and textures of common objects. Through hands-on instruction and guided practice, you'll refine your technique in rendering light, shadow, and perspective. Build upon your foundational knowledge and expand your artistic repertoire in a supportive and engaging environment. Allow your creativity to keep abreast of new skills and techniques to capture ordinary in extraordinary ways. Prerequisite: Basic painting experience.  A supply list will be provided before the first class.
Course Fee:  $125 (Max 10)
Teacher:  Penpun Tucker
Taylor High School
Room 1810
January 22, 29
February 5, 12, 19, 26
March 4
Mondays                                                                              6:00 – 9:00 p.m.